Thursday, March 19, 2020

Ebony and Amelia FTT essays

Ebony and Amelia FTT essays Several elements in the history present as possible causes of Ebonys failure to thrive (FTT). In a multivariate analysis, FTT between birth to 8 weeks of age is associated with maternal prenatal factors (such as a lack of transportation, socioeconomic class) and infant postnatal factors (weak sucking). While Ebony has had no significant physical symptoms, the birth weight of 4.9 kg equals macrosomia which can sometime be associated with weak sucking and slow feeding, which in turn can result in smaller quantities being expressed per feeding session and an increase in maternal fatigue. It would be difficult to continue to breast feed exclusively while working full time, without personal transportation and with another child to care for, and Tina should be congratulated for her tenacity in attempting to continue to breastfeed. While working full time, Tina has still had difficulty affording food at times, and it may be that her caloric intake is not enough to sustain adequate brea stfeeding for Ebony. Additionally, at six months it would be ideal to offer small solid feedings at six months, and it does not appear from the history that Tina has been able to start this yet. Several medical conditions could be contributing to Ebonys poor weight gain. The mere fact that there is not enough money could mean that Tina has continued to rely solely on breastfeeding at a time when Ebony needs to progress to more varied foods. Additionally, Ebony must be evaluated for any mechanical feeding difficulty, such as reflux, oromotor dysfunction, or central nervous system abnormality. Conditions which may contribute to Ebonys FTT which are not readily evident on physical examination include celiac disease, hyperthyroidism, chronic infection such as HIV, or metabolic disorders such as amino acid storage disorders. It would be helpful to obtain information on Ebonys eating and stooling patterns, whether or not she has ...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Green Ash Tree Facts, Identification, and Management

Green Ash Tree Facts, Identification, and Management Green ash will reach a height of about 60 feet with a spread of 45 feet. Upright main branches bear twigs which droop toward the ground then bend upward at their tips much like Basswood. The glossy dark green foliage will turn yellow in the fall, but the color is often muted in the south. There is a good seed-set annually on female trees which are used by many birds but some consider the seeds to be messy. This fast-growing tree will adapt to many different landscape conditions and can be grown on wet or dry sites, preferring moist. Some cities have over-planted green ash. Specifics of the Green Ash Scientific name: Fraxinus pennsylvanicaPronunciation: FRACK-sih-nus pen-sill-VAN-ih-kuhCommon name(s): Green AshFamily: OleaceaeUSDA hardiness zones: 3 through 9AOrigin: Native to North AmericaUses: Large parking lot islands; wide tree lawns; recommended for buffer strips around parking lots or for median strip plantings in the highway; reclamation plant; shade tree;Availability: Generally available in many areas within its hardiness range. Native Range Green ash extends from Cape Breton Island and Nova Scotia west to southeastern Alberta; south through central Montana, northeastern Wyoming, to southeastern Texas; and east to northwestern Florida and Georgia. Description Leaf: Opposite, pinnately compound with 7 to 9 serrate leaflets that are lanceolate to elliptical in shape, entire leaf is 6 to 9 inches long, green above and glabrous to silky-pubescent below. Crown uniformity: Symmetrical canopy with a regular (or smooth) outline, and individuals have more or less identical crown forms. Trunk/bark/branches:  Grow mostly upright and will not droop; not particularly showy; should be grown with a single leader; no thorns. Breakage:  Susceptible to breakage either at the crotch due to poor collar formation, or the wood itself is weak and tends to break. Flower and Fruit Flower: Dioecious; light green to purplish, both sexes lacking petals, females occurring in loose panicles, males in tighter clusters, appear after the leaves unfold. Fruit: A single-winged, dry, flattened samara with a slender, thin seed cavity, maturing in autumn and dispersing over winter. Special Uses Green ash wood, because of its strength, hardness, high shock resistance, and excellent bending qualities is used in specialty items such as tool handles and baseball bats but is not as desirable as white ash. It is also a favorite tree used in city and yard landscapes. Several Green Ash Hybrids ‘Marshall Seedless’- some seeds, yellow fall color, fewer insect problems,; ‘Patmore’ - excellent street tree, straight trunk, good yellow fall color, seedless; ‘Summit’ - female, yellow fall color, straight trunk but pruning required to develop strong structure, abundant seeds, and flower galls can be a nuisance; ‘Cimmaron’ is a new plant (USDA hardiness zone 3) reported to have a strong trunk, good lateral branching habit, and tolerance to salt. Damaging Pests Borers: Common on Ash and they can kill trees. The most common borers infesting Ash are Ash borer, lilac borer, and carpenterworm. Ash borer bores into the trunk at or near the soil line causing tree dieback. Anthracnose: also called leaf scorch and leaf spot. Infected parts of the leaves turn brown, especially along the margins. Infected leaves fall prematurely. Rake up and destroy infected leaves. Chemical controls are not practical or economical on large trees. Trees in the south can be severely affected. The Most Widely Distributed   Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), also called red ash, swamp ash, and water ash  is the most widely distributed of all the American ashes. Naturally a moist bottomland or stream bank tree, it is hardy to climatic extremes and has been widely planted in the Plains States and Canada. The commercial supply is mostly in the South. Green ash is similar in property to white ash and they are marketed together as white ash. The large seed crops provide food to many kinds of wildlife. Due to its good form and resistance to insects and disease, it is a very popular ornamental tree.